Nupur and Rajesh Talwar has taken a curious turn now with the CBI declaring them as the prime accused in the murder of their daughter Arushi. This comes 3 years after the case began and a special CBI court took cognisance of the agency's closure report.
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Talwars to be tried for Arushi's murder
Nupur and Rajesh Talwar has taken a curious turn now with the CBI declaring them as the prime accused in the murder of their daughter Arushi. This comes 3 years after the case began and a special CBI court took cognisance of the agency's closure report. Arushi Talwar was found brutally murdered in the home of the Talwars along with the domestic help Hemraj, who was considered the prime suspect until he was discovered dead.
Dr. Rajesh talwar was arrested and released on bail after two-months when the court declared that there was not enough evidence against him. Nupur Talwar has gone on record saying that she would fight the battle to find the culprits who murdered Arushi. Now the tables are turned and she has to defend herself. The CBI has now declared the Talwar's as prime suspects and they have been charged with murder, criminal conspiracy and destruction of evidence.Read more at
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Jury plays a very vital role in USA ,in the cases where only circumstantial evidence is available . Since culprits themselves have destroyed actual evidences i.e. mobile phone-murder weapon- trace of semen by cleaning of private parts etc. this case is based on circumstantial evidence only. Indian courts more often do not rely on them and dismiss rhe case ! I wish India had the jury system in place.