The story revolves around the lead role, played by Vikram, who is a mentally challenged adult with the awareness of five-year old. In other words, the lead role suffers from the developmental disability. Apart from this important role, the movie also stars Anushka Shetty, Amala Paul and Nasser in the key characters... Read More>>>
I like the movie till the father(krishna) fights for his beloved little daughter (Nilla) with innocent love, I don't understand from where the practicality thought emerges in his mind to leave the little princes, to some one's hand, where she will not be happy but thinking about her father. Even though the differently abled father was convinced by an ordinary human being and worried about the daughter's future, he should have felt the love & loneliness of the kid. So the moral of my story is Love & Practicality is paradox, oxymoron etc.....